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Products > Equipments > Broaching > UBR-01



  • Broaching with milling bits.
  • Possibility to use any shape of broaching.
  • Position can be adjusted by 500 mm digital caliper.
  • No need to hold the rule by hand while broaching.
  • Easy to find spare parts in market.
  • Easy to change of milling bits.
  • Easy to adjust of depth.

UBR-01 provides very practical broaching process. Operator uses the digital caliper for positioning, put the cutting line in the machine, pull and push the handle.

UBR-01 is a must have machine for diemakers, who is producing sensitive cutting dies like medicine, pharmacy, cosmetic, cigarette etc. boxes, complicated shapes and difficult bends.

The machine is guaranteed by our firm for a period of 1 year.

Standard Milling bits are found easy in the market. You have the possibility to use any shape of milling bits to have different broaching on the rules.